How to Deal with the Price Objection (Webinar)

Even though the price objection is nearly as old as time itself, sales people still struggle to overcome it. Think about it: in the markets of ancient Egypt, a shopper at a stall objected to a vendor selling something, and their objection was that it cost too much! With centuries of experience at getting this objection, you’d think we, as sales professionals, would be better at handling it.

The good news is that there are some proven strategies and techniques that will help you deal with and overcome this age old objection.

Sign up for Mike Brooks’ new Webinar “How to Overcome the Price Objection” this Thursday, April 27th, at 1pm EST/10am PST Sign Up Here

But let’s start at the beginning. First, if you are getting this objection at the end of your presentation, then you haven’t done a thorough enough job of qualifying for it in the beginning of your sales cycle. You should never be ambushed by, “It costs too much” when you ask for the sale. To avoid that, use any of the following wording during your qualifying stage:

“And just to let you know, the range of participation is anywhere from $5,000 for our introductory service, up to $25,000 for the full suite of services. Where would you fit, again, if you like what you see?”

If your prospect comes right out and asks you for the price, respond with:

“The good news is that this service is only $250 to get set up, and then just $199 per month on a no obligation, month to month basis. Is that something that would work for you if you liked what you see?”

So that is on the front end. At the close of your presentation, if you get the price objection, you can use a variety of closes, including my favorite:

“{Prospect’s name}, let’s put price aside for a moment. Assuming this were something you could afford (or were more within your budget), does this solution look like something you would choose?”

As you can see, the key to qualifying for and handling the price objection is in being prepared with good scripts.

To help you get even more prepared to handle this objection, join Mike for a full webinar where he will give you even more proven word-for-word responses to help you successfully overcome this objection.

In this proven webinar, you’ll learn:

1) How Top Producers across all industries handle this objection
2) Why your best option is to NOT answer it at all!
3) The proven technique of what to say – and three examples of how to say it
4) How you can use this technique to deal effectively with other objections as well
5) An email script to use when prospects aren’t responding to you any more

If you want to stop struggling with the price objection…

Then Register Now for Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales: “How to Overcome the Price Objection”. You’ll be glad you did!

Goal Planning for 2017 Made Easy (Webinar: Dec 8)

It’s that time of the year again – goal planning for the New Year!

If that task seems intimidating to you, or, if you didn’t make any of your goals this year because they were either too ambitious or hard to follow, then I’ve got great news for you.

Nest Thursday, my colleague, Laura Posey, is going to give my readers a free Webinar entitled: “Goal Planning for 2017 on One Sheet of Paper.”

Now who wouldn’t want to do that?

I’ve been using Laura’s method for years and it’s fantastic! Hey, goal setting doesn’t have to be difficult if you just get focused on what’s going to get you into the Top 20% of earners at your company.

Sign Up Here

The Webinar is next Thursday, December 8th, 2016, at 3 PM Eastern. Don’t miss it.

Laura is a master of cutting through the crap and getting to the most productive, result-producing impact in the fastest time possible.

And she makes it so easy to do the things she teaches.

In this webinar, you will discover:

*  How to work less and increase your sales
*  Why goal setting is killing your results… and what to do instead
*  How to cut through the chaos and become laser-focused on the most profitable actions you can take to increase sales in 2017
*  How to tap into your “hidden creativity” to solve your biggest problems, quickly and effectively
*  How to get your entire team working at their highest levels of productivity – without micromanaging or stress
*  And much, much more

If you plan on goal setting for 2017, then you need to Join Us on Thursday, December 8th, at 3 PM Eastern.

A little bit about Laura Posey:

Laura is Chief Instigator at Simple Success Plans. She works with entrepreneurial companies to get them focused, aligned and driving higher profits with less stress.

Laura is a sought after international speaker and facilitator. She strategic planning clients range from a $27 billion multi-national IT distributor to a small, local mold testing lab and everything in between. In addition to her strategic planning work, she is called on to improve sales and marketing results for companies throughout the US and Canada.

Laura has over 20 years of experience in driving results for her clients but she has also “done the work in the trenches”. From making over 30,000 cold calls at dinnertime to sell insurance to maxing out her credit cards to launch her first business, Laura has the real-life experience to know what it takes to succeed.

She has done the work so she can show you the shortcuts.

So join us next Thursday.

You’ll be glad you did!

Mike Brooks

Selling to Influencers (New Webinar: Nov 17th, 3pm EST)

These days, there can be a lot of people standing between you and the ultimate decision maker. There are assistants, office managers, purchasing agents, other C level managers, and in the case of B to C, even spouses and other family members. In some cases, you may be speaking with part of the decision making team, but that person may then have to present to a committee or other body of decision makers. With all the potential people standing between you and the “real decision maker,” how can you effectively move the sale forward?

In the phone calls I listen to each week, I hear many reps struggle with this exact scenario. Unfortunately, what I hear isn’t encouraging. To start with, what I find is that half the time reps don’t even know they are dealing with an influencer and so make the mistake of assuming they are the final decision maker. These closing calls often end with an objection I am sure you are familiar with: “I’ll have to run it by X.”

And you know how frustrating that is.

[Sign Up Here to learn how to “Deal More Effectively and Even Close the Influencer” during our new Webinar this Thursday, November 17th, at 3pm Eastern, Noon Pacific]

Next, on those closing calls when the rep does know they are speaking with an influencer, I find they often give up at the end of the close. They seem resigned to the fact that the prospect isn’t going to make a decision, and so they end their closing calls with something like, “So when will you speak with X?”

Not very empowering either.

The good news is that there are proven scripts and techniques you can use to both identify who you are speaking with, what their level of influence is, and even move towards closing them during your demo or presentation.

If you would like to know how to do that, then join me this Thursday, and I’ll give you all the tools and techniques you will need to both qualify the influencer during your prospecting call, and set them up to make a decision during your close.

Register Here If you deal with influencers, then this is one Webinar you and your team won’t want to miss!

How to Get Your Voice Mails Returned

When voice mail first came out, it was the hottest thing in business. Everyone anxiously checked and even responded to their voice mail no matter who was calling. It was a beautiful thing…

After a while though, prospects stopped returning voice mail and turned their attention to email. And then that pretty much dried up, too.

Today, sales reps are asking if it’s even worth it to leave a voice mail, and I’m here to tell you that you CAN get effective results from voice mails IF you follow a few proven rules.

[Register Now for Mike’s All New Webinar: “5 Proven Techniques That Get Your Calls Returned” this Thursday, September 15th, at Noon Pacific / 3PM Eastern]

There are two strategies that will set your voice mails apart and give them the best chance of being returned. The first is to combine a set number of voice mails with a set number of dedicated emails to form a “touch point” plan that keeps you in front of a prospect for a specific length of time.

Studies have shown that repeated attempts to reach new contacts is crucial in not only creating a brand awareness, but also in increasing the odds of that prospect reaching back out to you. In addition, by making repeated attempts and leaving your contact information, you create a familiarity with that prospect so when you do finally connect, the conversation is more “warm” than “cold.” How long should this touch point plan or campaign be? Studies differ, but the best strategy tends to run from 22 days to a month.

When you compare that to how many messages – both voice mails and emails – you may be sending out now, your low contact rates may be the direct result of not enough attempts to contact your prospects. If you’re interested in learning exactly how to develop that touch point plan, make sure and sign up to my ezine as I’ll be publishing an article on how to do just that in the next week.

The other strategy is to leave a carefully crafted stand alone voice mail that follows some specific rules. I will be covering what those specific rules are in my upcoming Webinar, “5 Proven Techniques That Get Your Calls Returned” on Thursday (Register Here). Here are some of the important points and what we’ll cover in the Webinar:

1) First you need to know whether you should even leave a voice mail or not? Believe it or not, there are some best practices regarding this…
2) The next thing you need to do is use a script and stop with the um’s and uh’s. Furthermore, the right script will ensure that your voice mail is compelling. “What’s in it for them, etc.? Whatever you do, don’t say.
3) Stop making the one mistake 99% of people make that almost guarantee that a voice mail is not returned. In our free webinar, you’ll find out what that is!
4) Make sure and use the one technique that will motivate your prospect to pick up the phone and call you.
5) Sometimes leaving a voice mail might NOT be a good idea. You should make sure you’re familiar with the alternatives…

If you want to know the 5 Proven Techniques That Get Your Calls Returned, then… Register Now for Mike’s All New Webinar: “5 Proven Techniques That Get Your Calls Returned” this Thursday, September 15th, at Noon Pacific / 3PM Eastern.

If Closing Sales is the Problem, a Webinar is the Answer…

By Guest Author: Erik Luhrs, The Bruce Lee of Sales & Lead Generation

I get asked a lot of questions about sales. It’s kinda my job.

But the main question that everyone asks, in one form or another, is “How can I close more sales?” After all, at the end of the day that is what we all want, right?

Twenty years ago closing sales was pretty easy. You connected with a prospect, you built a relationship, you went through your process and you got check.

Of course twenty years ago, there were FAR less salespeople trying to contact your prospect, your prospect did not have Google to use for researching solutions (that was the salesperson’s job), your prospect had far fewer choices and far fewer distractions.

So technology has leveraged prospects AWAY from us. Thankfully, we can use technology to leverage them toward us. And the single best technology to use for that is webinars. Why webinars? Let me give you seven reasons.

Watch a short video here

Reason #1 – Webinars are second ONLY to Live events in terms of conversion rate. But webinars have an incredibly higher ROI than Live events because:

• You don’t have the costs (space rental, travel, electronics, shipping, insurance, staffing, food, etc) associated with Live events.
• You don’t have the time delay (3 months out at least and sometimes years) associated with Live events.
• You don’t have the hassle (scheduling, coordinating logistics, contracts, etc) associated with Live events.
• You don’t have the singularity issue of a Live event (you can’t “replay” a Live event).
And that’s just for starters.

Reason #2 – Webinars create instant Authority and Rapport

If you want to have influence over a prospect they must perceive you as coming
from, what I call, the “Mentor” position. This is the person who automatically knows more than they do, so they never question them.

There are plenty of mediums through which to display your “Mentor” status: Books, articles, blogs, podcasts…  But webinars beat all of these because they allow you to combine authority building with rapport building. How so?

Webinars affect all modalities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), they are dynamic, they are interactive, they are live (usually), and they are intimate regardless of however many people are on. I’d like to see a book (even a NYT bestseller) do that!

Reason #3 – Webinars handle the “Value Proposition”

One mistake salespeople make is believing that they deliver a “value proposition.” They don’t!  The prospect determines what is or is not valuable. It is up to them, not us.  So the best way to help prospects determine our “value” to them is by exposing them to as much of our thinking, stories, philosophies, and ideas as possible.

Webinars are, obviously, a great way to do this.

Reason #4 – Webinars do the heavy lifting of Lead Qualification

One of the biggest pains in the butt is qualifying leads.  As you well know even the best qualification process still lets unqualified prospects through on a regular basis.  Every minute spent with unqualified leads is a minute less spent with qualified ones who can actually buy.

Webinars allow us to interweave our qualification criteria into them, subtly and directly, over and over. This “rinse and repeat” process filters out far more unqualified leads faster, while conversely reassuring qualified leads that they are in the right place.

Reason #5 – Webinars handle Objections faster and easier.

As we get further into the sales process we become more and more concerned about when the objections will show up. And we worry that we might miss them if they aren’t overtly stated.

Yes objections are a signal that they prospect is still interested, but the longer they simmer and hide beneath the surface, the longer the sales cycle takes and the more chance for derailment. And if an objection is not stated out loud, or handled directly, it is game over.

Webinars allow us to indirectly handle objections by addressing them through stories and demonstrations as well as handle them head directly by calling them out ahead of time. Since this is done in a virtual setting the prospect does not realize you are talking to him and his objections. They are simply eliminated without hassle.

Reason #6 – Webinars equal Leverage

Selling one on one sounds impressive. And yes, there are still pieces of the sales process that may require direct interaction between the salesperson and the prospect. But in today’s world, where technology is omnipresent and is used by everyone, focusing exclusively on “face to face” sales is a fool’s game because for every opportunity you get from face to face, someone else is getting 10 by using technology.

Every professionals dream is (or should be) to work once and get paid over and over. Webinars provide this kind of leverage by allowing you to address many people at once and/or recording your webinar and deploying it with prospects as needed and/or repurposing it for different markets or issues.You can’t do that face to face.

Reason #7 – Webinars close sales

At the beginning of this article I said the main question I get asked is “How can I close more sales?”  The answer I tell everyone is the same:
You can close more sales by opening more opportunities!

Salespeople have a tendency to become hyper-focused on the opportunities in their pipeline. This may be common, but it is foolish. We have no idea how many other issues, obstacles, salespeople, fires, and priorities are assaulting the prospects in our pipeline.

We’d like to think we are their main focus, but we aren’t. So your pipeline is precarious at best. And when they disappear “all that effort” we put in disappears along with them. But if we can put “all that effort” into multiple prospects at once, then our efforts automatically yield much higher results.

Webinars are the key because…

• Webinars allow us to engage more prospects faster.
• Webinars allow us to create authority and rapport with multiple prospects at once.
• Webinars allow prospects to discover our worth to them.
• Webinars allow prospects to qualify themselves in or out or our pipeline.
• Webinars allow us to handle objections effortlessly.
• Webinars allow us to leverage our efforts repeatedly.
• Webinars are (or are capable of being) the majority of the sales process.
So, when used properly, webinars allow us to “tee up” the sale.

And that is how you close more sales!


As you’ve seen webinars are an incredibly effective tool you can use to increase sales. But you can’t increase your sales with webinars unless you are actually DOING webinars!

If you are ready to use webinars to close more of your own sales, then you’ll want to check out this short video right now.