Happy New Year!
Overwhelmed by all your “to-do” goals? If so, then take a tip from Brian Tracy and do this:
Make a list of your top ten goals for the year.
Think about what’s most important to you in the different areas of your life and write down ten things.
Next, prioritize that list so that the most important goal is number one.
Then: throw away the other nine goals and make a commitment to making that number one goal a reality in the next twelve months.
And once you’ve made that commitment, ask yourself what one action you can take today, right now, to begin reaching that goal.
When I heard this, my first thought was, “Yeah, but what about the other nine goals?”
He explained that despite our best intentions, most goal setting starts strong, but by March it slows down, and by the summer most—if not all—goals have been abandoned.
That’s why identifying one goal, the most important and most impactful goal, is a better way to go.
Think about how much your life will change (and the lives of your family members) if you reach this number one, most important goal.
If your goal is to become a top producer in your industry and double or triple your income, think about the impact that will have on your family. Think about buying that new home, or providing for your parents, or allowing your wife or spouse to stay home.
If your goal is to finally write that novel, think about how your life will change when you finally accomplish that this year! Think about the weight off your shoulders now that it is a reality rather than just another dream.
If your goal is to lose weight, get in shape, and get off your medication and live a longer, healthier life for yourself and your family, think about the long-term rewards achieving that goal will bring you! (And think of the consequence if you don’t.)
Whether or not you agree with Brian, I’m here to tell you that it’s more impactful for you to hit the most important goal in your life than it is to set ten and not hit any of them…
Ask yourself: how good would it be if you actually reached your most important goal in 2024?
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