2 Great New Year’s Questions for Your Clients

Welcome back to the office, how do you feel? Overwhelmed? Under pressure already? 

If so, then you’re not alone. Most companies are under immediate pressure already to begin accomplishing their new goals and sales targets. In fact, this is also felt in the accounting department, the marketing department, and everywhere else. You can probably feel it in your company, too.

As you speak with your clients and prospects this week, realize that they are all feeling the same stress as well. While this may seem like a bad thing, it actually presents a great opening for you. 

Here’s how I handle the companies and contacts I speak with this month: after talking briefly about the holidays and new year’s celebration, I always start with question number one –

“So ________, what are the top 3 initiatives for your department this year?” Then I hit mute and take notes. 

If they need a little help here, I use layering questions like:

“And what was your revenue like last year?”  Or

“What percentage increase are you asked to produce this year?”  Or

“What are you doing differently to accomplish this?”

“What do you think is most needed for you to succeed at that?”

After I’ve listened and asked layering questions and taken notes on the three initiatives, I ask the second question –

“And how can I help you accomplish that?”

Once again, I hit the mute button and take notes. If I get an, “Ah, I don’t know,” then I once again use layering questions like:

“Have you heard of my new On Demand Inside Selling Skills Training?” Or I ask a good assumptive question like:

“How much of a budget do you have per quarter for sales training?” And,

“How big of a role do you think increased sales training is going to play?” Or,

“If you could wave a magic wand and get three resources to help you accomplish your goals, what would they be?”

Now I’m sure you can come up with your own questions here, but you get the idea. 

The point is to ask questions and LISTEN to your prospect’s needs. Remember, your clients and prospects have all the information you need to make a sale, and they will almost always tell you IF YOU ASK QUESTIONS AND LISTEN TO THEIR RESPONSES.

So, write up your questions, call your prospects, and listen to how best to serve and sell them!

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?


If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then get instant access to our On Demand training today. We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Unlimited License: One to 100 reps can attend for one low price!

Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated

Ten Responses to “We’re All Set.”

Tired of getting blown off with the objection: “We’re all set,” when prospecting?

Or maybe you get one of these variations of the “We are all set” objection like:

“We are okay with our present system.”


“We’ve already got a company that handles that.”


“We’re fine for right now.”

The key to handling this objection is NOT to try to overcome it, rather you simply want to bypass it and attempt to engage and qualify. 

With that in mind, here’s how you handle the “We’re all set” blow off or/and any of its variations:

“We’re all set”

Response One:

“That’s great, and I’d just like to see if we could get on your vendor list for the next time you’re in the market. Let me ask you…” 

Now ask an engaging qualifying question….

Response Two:

“Most companies I speak with are ‘all set’ and that’s why I’m reaching out to you now – I want to give you an option for the next time you’re in need of this. Let me ask you…”

Again, as an engaging qualifying question….

Response Three:

“No problem. Let me ask you: the next time you’re in need of this, what’s number one on your wish list?”

Response Four:

“I understand; I didn’t expect to catch you in the market right now. Instead, let me get an idea of your perfect profile, and then I’ll send you some information you can keep on file next time you need this….”

Now re-engage by asking a qualifying question.

Response Five:

“Got it. Let me ask you: the next time you are in need of this, are you the right person to speak to about it?”

If yes, then qualify them for that next time—especially asking about timeframe, budget, etc.

Response Six:

“Understand, and let me ask you: When is your next buying season for this?”

Then keep the conversation going by asking an additional qualifying question.

Response Seven:

“That’s fine; I totally understand. And let me ask you—the next time you are in the market for this, how many companies are you going to reach out to?” 

And then ask how you can become one of them, what their budget is, who the decision makers are, etc.

Response Eight:

“No problem. What you might find helpful is to know about our special pricing and the additional services we provide. Did you know that…?”

Then pitch one or two things you do that others don’t—and use a tie down!

Response Nine:

“I’m glad you said that. What I’ve found is that those companies who are already using a vendor for this are surprised to learn that….”

Give them a shocking statement about how you’ve just been rated number one, or that you give free delivery, etc., something that will peak their interest…

Response Ten:

“No problem. Could I be the “next in line” company you call the next time you’re in the market for this?”

If yes,

“Great, let me get your email and send you my info…”


“And just out of curiosity, what would have to change for you to even begin looking at someone else?”

Look for an in here…

If you found these rebuttals helpful, then give yourself the best holiday gift you’ll ever get this year: over 500 more word-for-word rebuttals for all the objections you face each and every day!

Power Phone Scripts is the number one, best selling book of phone scripts in the world! Gift yourself—and your team—a copy of this powerful book, and watch your confidence and results soar in 2023!

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?


If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then get instant access to our On Demand training today. We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Unlimited License: One to 100 reps can attend for one low price!

Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated

Call Back Sooner Than You Think You Should

I don’t know why sales reps always default to: “I’ll call you again in a month…” Or 60 days or 90 days, etc.

Why would you want to miss all the sales this prospect will place in the meantime?

The smart thing to do is ask a prospect what their buying schedule is. Try:

“How often do you find yourself needing these?”


“I’m happy to call you back at the end of this week—do you think you’ll have some clarity over your needs by then?”


“I don’t want to bug you, but I do want to be there for you, so would it be best to call you in a week or would two be better?”


“When would be the best time for me to follow up with you?” (And then call them two weeks before whatever date they give you!)

The bottom line is that most sales reps simply don’t have any idea of when they should follow up—because they never ask!

The next time you have someone on the phone, don’t assume a month or two or three is the best time to follow up. Ask them!

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?


If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then get instant access to our On Demand training today. We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Unlimited License: One to 100 reps can attend for one low price!

Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated

Don’t Handle the Objection—Eliminate It!

One of the best things about sales is that you already know what all the objections are.

For every sale, there are only about five core objections: price, think about it, talk to someone else, etc., and then some outliers you get less frequently.

But overall, you know what’s coming. So, why not eliminate, in advance, your top one or two objections?

Here’s how:

If you’re qualifying a prospect to pitch later, and you know that price is the biggest objection you get, then qualify for it so you’re not ambushed when you get to the close.


“Ballpark, what is your budget for this?”

And then:

“And do you have that budget available should you like what you see during our demo?”


“Our solution is adaptable to most budgets, and runs anywhere between $5,000 and $15,000. If you like what you see next week, is something like that within what you have available right now?”

I’m sure you can come up with other budget related qualifying questions, but the point is that it is ALWAYS best to qualify for this objection in advance so you don’t waste 45 minutes + pitching only to find that they can’t afford your solution.

If you are dealing with a customer who buys their products from another vendor, then ask:

“Who are you getting that from now?”


“I’ve certainly heard of them, just out of curiosity, what keeps you coming back to them?”


“What would it take to earn a portion of your business?”

You get the idea here. It’s ALWAYS better to qualify out an objection before you get it. Take some time this week to script out ways to qualify for and overcome your common objections before they ruin your sale.

Remember: You can’t close an unqualified lead!

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?


If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then get instant access to our On Demand training today. We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Unlimited License: One to 100 reps can attend for one low price!

Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated

“How to Avoid: ‘Will He Know What This Call is About?’”

How many times have you been stopped by the gatekeeper asking you:

“Will he/she know what this call is about?”


“Have you spoken to him/her before?”


“Is he/she expecting your call?”

Frustrating, isn’t it?

In all likelihood, you yourself are creating this objection by the way you’re opening your dialogue with the gatekeeper.

The number one mistake inside sales teams make when asking to speak with someone is not using a directive statement afterward. In other words, just asking to speak to someone and then not saying anything else.

The number two mistake is not giving your company name, thereby forcing the gatekeeper to do her/his job and ask you for it.

Here’s what not to do:

Gatekeeper: “Johnson company, may I help you?”

Sales Rep: “Can I talk to {prospect’s name}?”

OR worse:

Sales Rep: “Is {prospect’s name} available?”

The problem is that you didn’t use the magic word: “please.”

Using “please” instructs the gatekeeper to put you through, and, at the very least, encourages them to be polite to you. Here’s how it usually goes:

Gatekeeper: “Johnson company, may I help you?”

Sales Rep: “Hi, can I speak with {prospect’s name} please?”

Gatekeeper will now ask: “Can I tell him who is calling, please?”

Note here that the gatekeeper will use “please” right back to you—this as a good sign! The gatekeeper is now taking your lead and being polite to you!The

You reply exactly with:

“Absolutely! Please tell him/her {your first and last name} with {your company name} is holding please.

That last part: “is holding please” is the directive part that both instructs the gatekeeper to put you through, and signals the end of your transaction with them.

This technique works 80%+ of the time.

So, if you’re getting any of the previous screening questions, you can end that today by learning and using a better approach.

Try it for a week and smile as you get put through to more decisions makers!

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?


If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then get instant access to our On Demand training today. We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Unlimited License: One to 100 reps can attend for one low price!

Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated

Happy With Who We’re Using

This blog post is for those of you who haven’t purchased and read any of my book of scripts yet (what are you thinking? 🙂 )

For those of you who are prospecting, this objection, “We’re happy with who we’re using,” is something you most likely encounter often.

The question is: what do you say to it?

This objection—like all others—is a perfect one to script an effective response to, and here is one of my favorites:

Objection: “We’re happy with who we’re using” (Or any variation like, “We’re all set”):

Response: “That’s perfectly OK; I didn’t expect you to be in the market today. In fact, because you already have someone, this is the perfect time to compare prices and services with other vendors. That way, when you do have a need to look elsewhere, you’ll have a solid option already vetted.

“Let me ask you this….”

And then use a qualifying question regarding what they use, how often they order, etc.

Bonus response:

“No worries, I’m not going to sell you anything today. Instead, I simply want to give you some information so if things change—and let’s face it, they change all the time—you’ll at least know who to reach out to.

“Let me ask you this….”

Again, use a qualifying question regarding what they use, how often they order, etc.

If you would like eight other proven response, visit here.

Remember: throughout your sales process, you get the same seven to ten objections, stalls, and put-offs over and over again.

Want to be a top producer? Then stop making up an answer to them, and “ace” them by being prepared with proven scripts.

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?


If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then get instant access to our On Demand training today. We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Unlimited License: One to 100 reps can attend for one low price!

Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated

One Error to Correct on Your Prospecting Scripts

Congrats to those companies & individuals who sent in their prospecting scripts for review. I received many scripts and went ahead and reviewed ten (instead of just the three).

One error I kept seeing was reps’ mishandling asking for the right person when they didn’t know the right contact’s name.

Usually, they asked it this way:

Gatekeeper: “Thank you for calling the Johnson company.”

Rep: “I’m looking for the person who handles your XYZ. Do you know who I should speak to?”

The problem with this is you’re A) Identifying yourself as a sales rep, and B) You’re now inviting the gatekeeper to qualify you out.

Here is a better way:

Gatekeeper: “Thank you for calling the Johnson company.”

Rep: “Hi, I need a little bit of help please…”

[It’s crucial that you WAIT for them to respond and offer that help!]

Gatekeeper: “What can I help you with?”

Rep: “Thanks. Who would be the best person to speak with regarding XYZ?”

This approach uses an assumptive question, and it gives direction. This is your best approach.

If the gatekeeper comes back and asks:

“Can I tell him who is calling?”

You simply respond with:

“Absolutely. Please tell him [Your Name] with [Your company] is holding please.”

That’s it! This approach will get you through to the right contact over 80% of the time.

Try it this week and see for yourself!

BTW: If you or your team needs other proven techniques to connect with and sell more decision makers, consider my On-Demand Training.

Instant access = Instant results! See it here.

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?


If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then get instant access to our On Demand training today. We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Unlimited License: One to 100 reps can attend for one low price!

Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated

5 Closing Questions You Need

Note to my readers: Because of my heavy client load, I am reducing my blog articles to bi-weekly starting today. Your next blog will arrive on Tuesday, August 17th.

Ever feel stalled during a close?

Wouldn’t it be convenient to have a list of 5 questions you could use to get your prospect talking, to get them to open up about how they’re feeling and what you might need to concentrate on?

Use the following questions to help open your prospect up and to get them to reveal where they really stand, and what you need to do to move closer to the sale:

#1 “I can tell that’s important to you; why does it mean so much?”

#2 “You know, I’ve given you a lot of information, do you mind if I ask you what you think so far?”

#3 “I understand that you need to (talk to someone, check on something, or any other stall), but let me ask you: Based on what we’ve gone over so far, what do YOU think?”

#4 “Let me see if I have this right.  You (restate what they said), right?  What would have to change for this to work for you then?”

#5 “If you had to make a decision right now, what would it be?”

And a bonus layering question:

#6 “And what would change that for you?”

If you found these questions helpful, then it’s time to write some of your own. Make them specific to your product or service and write them so you’d be comfortable asking them. 

If you’re a manager, this is a great exercise for a sales meeting.  You could do two: one for prospecting and one for the close.

If you found this article helpful, then you’ll love Mike’s eBook, “The Complete Book of Phone Scripts” with over 130 pages of powerful and effective scripts to help you easily get past the gatekeeper, set appointments, overcome objections and close more money!

Happy Selling!

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?


If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then get instant access to our On Demand training today. We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Unlimited License: One to 100 reps can attend for one low price!

Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated

Close More Sales with this One Training Tip

Do you want to be a top producer in sales?

If yes, then do what I did: Get the best training you can and use what you learn.

Enroll yourself or your team in next week’s 7-week online training program. See it here.

All sessions are recorded so you can watch—and re-watch them—at times that are convenient for you!

Here’s an example of a training tip that you’ll learn, and that I used, to handle a frustrating objection I used to get all the time: “The price is outside of our budget.”

If you get this objection—while closing or qualifying—then the worst thing you can do is try to answer it or overcome it. Why? Because 80% of the time this objection is just a smokescreen hiding something else. And until you find out what’s really holding your prospect back, you’ll just go around and around in circles.

Sound familiar?

So here’s what you need to do: Isolate the objection “before” you attempt to overcome it. Here’s a simple technique that will allow you to do just that:

Whenever your prospect says, “That price is outside of our budget,” simply respond with:

“And besides price, what else might hold you back today?”

And then hit your MUTE button and Listen very carefully for the real objection—or objections—that are holding your prospect back.

The reason this technique—among others—took my sales career to a new level is because by using it I avoided talking past the close and chasing what wasn’t even the real objection.

It forced me to listen rather than ad-lib poor sales technique.

And it taught me to identify what the real objection was so I could focus on that. And only when I understood what was really holding my prospect back did I begin to close more sales.

And you can, too. Use this technique the next time you get the price objection and watch as you get more control over the sales process and uncover the real reason(s) your prospect isn’t moving forward yet.

And if you’d like to learn even more proven techniques, including how to:

  • Eliminate call reluctance
  • Glide past gatekeepers
  • Prospect more effectively
  • Qualify prospects more easily
  • Deliver killer presentations that lead to more closed sales
  • Overcome objections
  • And much, much more!

Then enroll yourself or your team in next week’s training!

See our week by week curriculum here.

Just remember: The sooner you invest in yourself and your company, the sooner you close more sales and consistently make more money.

And isn’t that what you wake up in the morning trying to do 5 or 6 days a week?

Invest in yourself today!

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?

Join Our Next Training:

If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then this live, interactive online B2B & B2C inside sales training is exactly what they need to get excited & confident about selling again! We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Who Should Attend?

Any sales reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated

Early Bird Pricing Ends Soon!

the best online sales training program, award winning inside sales training, best practice sales training,

Get the training you need to close the sales you want.

And don’t miss saving 15% on our powerful, online training course!

Use the code: “Early” until midnight of May 13th only!

If you or your team struggles with call reluctance and would rather send emails than pick up the phone, then we will change that now….

Better training = more sales.

It’s that simple.

Starting on Tuesday, May 21st, we’re launching our powerful, 7-week Online Inside Sales Training!

You and your team will explode their confidence and crush their revenue goals as they learn to:

  • Eliminate call reluctance
  • Glide past gatekeepers
  • Prospect more effectively
  • Qualify prospects more easily
  • Deliver killer presentations that lead to more closed sales
  • Overcome objections
  • And much, much more!

See our week by week curriculum here.

This training will literally change your company and your life. Here’s why:

  • This is the best, award winning inside sales training you can get—anywhere!
  • Each training session is recorded, and you can watch on your own time during the 7-week course!
  • Word-for-word workbooks accompany each session to give you even more techniques and scripts
  • Q&A during each training
  • Delivered by Mike Brooks, live!
  • And lots more…

And, this training is affordable! Enroll as many as 5 reps, for as little as $399 per rep! See pricing here.

And right now, you can take an extra 15% off using the code: “Early”!

This early bird pricing is good until midnight of May 13th only!

Remember: “Sales solve everything.” So if you or your team is not making all the sales you want, then that will change the moment you take our online training.

Get ready to get excited about selling again.

Read about our training here.

Need More Proven Responses to the Selling Situations You Face Every Day?

Join Our Next Training:

If your team is struggling with call reluctance and is tired of the endless rejection they face, then this live, interactive online B2B & B2C inside sales training is exactly what they need to get excited & confident about selling again! We provide the exact talk tracks, templates, and proven tools your team will be motivated to apply, all structured around an award winning comprehensive inside sales approach that gives your team the confidence to succeed in every selling situation they face today.

Who Should Attend?

Any sales reps dealing with the following issues:

  • Reps struggling with call reluctance
  • Getting screened out by the gatekeeper
  • Overcoming blow off objections like, “Just email me something”
  • Identifying decision makers
  • Qualifying prospects
  • Setting call back appointments that stick
  • Giving successful presentations and dealing with objections
  • Staying motivated