Do you hate prospecting by phone? “Who doesn’t?” is probably your answer. And who can blame you. First you have to deal with gatekeepers, receptionists, office managers, etc.
Then, if you do finally get through to someone, you get blow offs, resistance, and the old, “Just email me something, and I’ll look at it.” Yeah, right.
Imagine if I told you many of the ways you’re approaching your prospects are actually causing the objections you’re getting? Some of the wrong things to say are:
“Did I reach you at a good time?”
“I’m just calling to learn a little more about your company…”
Many sales reps think they are being polite when they use these kinds of openings, but in reality they’re just making it easy for prospects to blow them off.
Wouldn’t you like to know:
- Better ways of opening your conversations?
- Proven ways to deal with gatekeepers?
- Word for word scripts to deal with common blow offs like “Just email me something?”
If you’ve read this far, then you’re in luck. By clicking the link below, you’ll get access to a 34 page sample of my new book, “Power Phone Scripts: 500 Questions, Phrases, and Word-For-Word Scripts to Help You Open and Close More Sales.”
And in this sample, you’ll get all the scripts and techniques to help you deal with the situations above. All for free.
And if you like what you read, why not get a copy of this powerful handbook for all your team members and yourself. Keep it near the phone to instantly improve your effectiveness on the phones. Increase your sales and build your confidence. All for $28!
Also, if you’d like a limited edition signed copy of the book, use this link to order.
Either way, invest in yourself, in your team and company, and start winning more sales, more easily.
Get yours today!