Having trouble motivating your team? You’re not alone.
Every member of your team has different skill levels, interest levels, and different ways of learning. Because of this, not everyone will respond the same way to your methods of managing and motivating, and that means you need different ways of motivating, mentoring, counseling, or even some babysitting. Sound familiar?
Here are five things you can do today to get the most out of each member of your team —
#1) Make your monthly revenue goal, and each rep’s part of that goal, crystal clear. I’m sure you have a monthly revenue goal, but does each member of your sales team know what their specific part of that goal is? (Hint — it’s not all equal).
Recognize that some reps will produce much more of the overall goal than others, but also make sure each person is clear on what their part of that overall goal is. And then coach to that.
#2) Make bonuses or prizes specific to each team member. The problem with most bonus programs is that as soon as they are released, over half of the sales team knows they can’t win so they immediately give up.
Instead, spend some time learning what each person really wants, and then customize each rep’s bonus and tie it to their individual production goal. If a rep hits their goal, then they win something that is meaningful to them. This also makes each rep responsible for hitting their own goal.
#3) Get out of your own comfort zone and close some deals. Most managers are way too busy in meetings, or reporting, or just plain hiding out to be really effective. Remember one thing—as the manager, you are the leader. And leaders lead by example.
Want to motivate your team, make your numbers, and create real value for yourself? Go onto the floor and close business for some of your sales reps and help them make their revenue goals. This is the most important thing you can do not only for your bottom line, but for your team’s motivation as well.
#4) Invest $100 in a couple of trophies. This will be the best money you’ll ever spend. Make one a “Most improved,” or “Best effort,” and hand it out each Monday morning.
Each winner gets to keep it on their desk that week. Other trophies can be “Most deals,” or “Most new clients.” or whatever other category everyone has a chance to win (as long as it is revenue related).
Remember rule #1 in motivating: Recognition among peers is almost always more important than money.
#5) Have some fun! Go to a toy store and buy one of those beanbag tosses, and after lunch on Friday make some teams and have some fun playing as a team. Tack on $50 for good measure and watch the competition and fun build your team and dissolve stress. This works – try it!
So, there you have it. Inexpensive, proven techniques to build morale, motivate and make more money.
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Perfect for reps dealing with the following issues:
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- Staying motivated