Problem: Salespeople talk too much when they finally get a prospect on the phone. They pitch features and benefits instead of asking questions and qualifying. They talk over their prospects and generally learn very little about what it takes to close a sale. Result? They may get some leads out and set up some “demos […]
Stop Jumping Through Hoops to Get a Sale
So many sales reps are anxious when they speak with a prospect. It seems they are afraid and think things like: “Will they like my product or service?” “Am I speaking with the right person?” “Do they have the budget or is my solution too much for them?” And on and on… As such, many […]
Three Quick Tips to Increase Your Voicemail Callbacks
Tired of leaving tons of voicemails and not hearing back from anyone? Incorporate these proven techniques and give yourself the best chance of hearing back from prospects: #1: Use the “I need a little help, please…” technique. Everyone wants to be helpful, and by leading with this statement, you’ll at least peak someone’s interest, and […]
Some Will, Some Won’t, Who’s Next?
It took me years to believe this. At first, it seemed almost rude to utter it… But let me ask you: out of ten prospects you pitch to, how many end up actually buying? My guess? Two. Yep, two out of ten prospects you speak with turn into buyers. And this means that you spend […]
Say This to Get Better—Right Now!
Want some quick (and easy!) tips that will make you better Right Away? You’ll find them below, and I guarantee that if you use them, you’ll not only identify buyers faster, but you’ll feel more confident, you’ll close more sales, and your income will grow—starting today. Here are quick/easy things you can say to make […]
Tie-Downs: You’re Using Them, Right?
It’s a new year, and the sooner you learn, practice, and use new habits, the faster you’ll get better results. This is true whether you’re attempting to eat better, work out more, or make more sales. And one easy and important habit you can develop right now is to use more tie-downs. Ask yourself: After […]
How to Sell A Pencil—Or Any Product or Service
NOTE: While this article talks about using this technique as an interview question to determine what kind of sales rep you’re about to hire, it’s also a great technique for managers to use to diagnose what is wrong with reps who may not be hitting quote consistently. Simply call your reps in, one by one, […]
4 Proven Ways to Get Better in 2023
Want to make 2023 your best year ever? I guarantee that if you just take time to follow the four steps below, you’ll make more money this year than you ever have. Guaranteed. Step One: Take time to carefully script out word-for-word rebuttals to the common objections you get repeatedly. You know you should do […]